Monday, September 19, 2011

Many Roles

Have you ever woke up one morning thinking it is going to be an awesome week and then a bomb hits you of all you need to accomplish.  The many strings attached to you start pulling you in all the directions you need to go.  That is exactly what happened to me today.  Between being a mom, student, worker, organizer, socialite (kindof) it was like a brick had smacked me square in the eyes.  Then my daughter wanted a cup and I made her leave it behind so that we could go to school, she started crying.  Wow did nice mommy to evil overlord came into play and lll the pressures seem to explode.  All the responsibilites came flooding in of what needed to be done in the next few months.  Like Victorious said on her song from Nickelodeon I was about to freak the freak out and so I did.  My poor children suffering from mommy's frustrations.  I have now decided to make sure by the time I pick them up I will be in a more positive and ecouraging mommy.  Wish me luck.