Monday, November 28, 2011

Work, Work, Work

Does it really matter

Such is life

I for some reason can not seem to be the person that I expect my children to be.  I have my son do his homework every night and make it a point to show him how important it is for his life.  Do I do this for my life and my future?  Of course not I have been the biggest slacker and procrastinator I know.  I have not been reading, studing and just getting the C instead of working for the A.  What is it that we have done to ourselves that we expect excellence from our children but show them that we do not work for excellence.

Thanks Giving

For Thanksgiving I went with my family to the Cayman Islands for the holiday week.  We had a great time playing with the ocean wildlife.  My daughter and son got to play with sting rays, sea turtles, and snorkled to see other cool fish.  We did not get to just lay on the beach because we was not there for long enough.  I also thought the side of the island we stayed on was much windier.  We did have to drive to the other side to many of the activities that we wanted to do.  Overall it was a great week but it did not make me feel less stressed because of all the work I have to accomplish in the next two weeks between school and work.

What is wrong with politics

Okay I have just learned that congressmen, and senators are able to legally do insider training.  They have shown now that they are the best stock brokers.  That hedge fund analysts have nothing on them.  They say that they do not know what they are talking about, they would not have done something like that.  I cannot believe that they would have something legal for the government officials but illegal for us americans.  I just keep seeing what we are doing with government and am completely disappointed.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Social Life

Something exciting is happening this weekend that I always enjoy.  Upward basketball and cheerleading is doing evaluations.  This is exciting for me because I have been apart of it for 3 years now and enjoy seeing the kids that came last year to see how big they are getting.  I really enjoy to see the positive sports experience with GOD the focus.  I enjoy working with the kids to show them that they can play sports and show GOD glory through sports.  I hope that they take that onto their future sports roles:)

Student Life

Okay it is starting to get down to the wire for school work.  However, now I have work that has many due dates that are soon.  I am working nights and weekends that I have no idea what I have been working in and taking much less time to work on the mass of papers that are due.  I am trying to burn the candle at both ends and feel like I have little patience for social issues.  I am trying to know my limit on committments with outside influences. 

Monday, October 24, 2011

Week 6

Lately I have been wondering how I am able to access a spreadsheet on different computers without having to email it to myself or remember a jump drive.  I was saying to myself there has to be something on the internet where I am able to access a newtork and update a spreadsheet from anywhere without wondering if I have the most current with me.  The worst is when I am using my laptop and I do not have an updated version of the spreadsheet I use daily for work.  This makes my life so painful because I do not have the notes or any changes.  Well today in class it was eye opening because on Naomi bringing up google docs.  Holy crap this is what I have been looking for a place where I can access change from anywhere.  Thanks Naomi for bringing me into the light.  I was going to google it this week but she saved me time.  What a relief, but the only problem is when I need a new version and I have no access to Internet.  Guess one bridge at a time.

Monday, October 17, 2011

School Week

This is going to be such a long week.  I have three major exams on Wednesday not to mention Journals to write and whatever comes my way.  Hopefully I leave on fall break with some hair.  Oh what fun.  I have to regerate what my super fun professor of Religion has been shoving down our throats.  Not to mentiont that I rarley understand what he says or he repeats it so badly that I have all the same notes.  It could be that I fall asleep at the same moments.  Then the other two classes kindof blend together sometimes so I hope that I do not get mom brain and forget everything I am studying.
Had a great weekend hanging out with my kids.  Friday night hit the Lebo High School football game until about 9 because we had to get up early for soccer the next morning.  Of course the second I want to leave Joseph wants to acutally watch the game instead of play with his friends.  Saturday was action packed we had a soccer game at nine and it was action packed, I thought all the kids would be so tired because most of them were playing like crazy at the game the night before.  All the kids worked so hard and we tied the game with the most goals we had all season.  Then later that day to a bowling party, there has been a ton of birthdays at the beginning of this year.  Then on Sunday we went to my sisters house to see my nephew Dallton.  He has gotten so big and looks almost like Joseph did when he was a baby, aww memoires.  I helped them set up there new IPad that they got for free when they bought there car.  Pretty much all I did is put games on there for my sister because they will never really use it.  Then we went to Target to get costumes, and clothes.  It was a great weekend.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Difficult subjects

I watched a show the other day about people who used a sperm donor to have a child.  Within the last 10 years the sperm donor companies have a website to have the children and sperm donors register, if they choose to.  It followed one sperm donor, and children who was conceived by sperm donors.  The one gentleman registered not thinking it would really affect him that he would only have a couple children and ended up having over 70 kids that are registered, he could have many more that did not register.  The children that they followed thought it was really nice because they found out that they had siblings and wanted to meet them and start a relationship with them.  The gentleman now has a fiance and a dilema of what to do about the situation because it worries her and makes her feel really apprehensive about getting married.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Technical difficulties

I have been trying to create a new post on my blog and been having trouble figuring out how to post a new blog. I realized that i could look at my blog but I could not post because I was dumb and did not log in.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Many Roles

Have you ever woke up one morning thinking it is going to be an awesome week and then a bomb hits you of all you need to accomplish.  The many strings attached to you start pulling you in all the directions you need to go.  That is exactly what happened to me today.  Between being a mom, student, worker, organizer, socialite (kindof) it was like a brick had smacked me square in the eyes.  Then my daughter wanted a cup and I made her leave it behind so that we could go to school, she started crying.  Wow did nice mommy to evil overlord came into play and lll the pressures seem to explode.  All the responsibilites came flooding in of what needed to be done in the next few months.  Like Victorious said on her song from Nickelodeon I was about to freak the freak out and so I did.  My poor children suffering from mommy's frustrations.  I have now decided to make sure by the time I pick them up I will be in a more positive and ecouraging mommy.  Wish me luck.