Monday, October 17, 2011

Had a great weekend hanging out with my kids.  Friday night hit the Lebo High School football game until about 9 because we had to get up early for soccer the next morning.  Of course the second I want to leave Joseph wants to acutally watch the game instead of play with his friends.  Saturday was action packed we had a soccer game at nine and it was action packed, I thought all the kids would be so tired because most of them were playing like crazy at the game the night before.  All the kids worked so hard and we tied the game with the most goals we had all season.  Then later that day to a bowling party, there has been a ton of birthdays at the beginning of this year.  Then on Sunday we went to my sisters house to see my nephew Dallton.  He has gotten so big and looks almost like Joseph did when he was a baby, aww memoires.  I helped them set up there new IPad that they got for free when they bought there car.  Pretty much all I did is put games on there for my sister because they will never really use it.  Then we went to Target to get costumes, and clothes.  It was a great weekend.

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