Monday, October 24, 2011

Week 6

Lately I have been wondering how I am able to access a spreadsheet on different computers without having to email it to myself or remember a jump drive.  I was saying to myself there has to be something on the internet where I am able to access a newtork and update a spreadsheet from anywhere without wondering if I have the most current with me.  The worst is when I am using my laptop and I do not have an updated version of the spreadsheet I use daily for work.  This makes my life so painful because I do not have the notes or any changes.  Well today in class it was eye opening because on Naomi bringing up google docs.  Holy crap this is what I have been looking for a place where I can access change from anywhere.  Thanks Naomi for bringing me into the light.  I was going to google it this week but she saved me time.  What a relief, but the only problem is when I need a new version and I have no access to Internet.  Guess one bridge at a time.

1 comment:

  1. What about saving documents to your ESU y:/ drive? That'll work until you graduate.
